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Sister System’s mission is to bridge the gap between care-affected girls and mainstream society, by working alongside them to ensure they have the same opportunities everyone else has - at home, school, work and within our communities.
" Sister system is a phenomenal charity and support system that the community has been missing. "
Brooke Morgan - Big Sister
Our mission is to bridge the gap and change the hearts and minds of how we work with young women who are looked after.
" I grow every time I attend a session "
Stephanie Brewster - Ambassador
best emerging voice charity of the year

Our unique user-shaped programmes offer a compelling and urgently needed empowerment model of early intervention, providing internationally recognised qualifications and a community of support to improve life chances for care-affected girls and young women (13-24 yrs) by enabling them to blossom into womanhood. The ‘sisters’ are the experts and, as such, are the heart of Sister System. Together we work to enhance, enable and empower you.
" I want to be the person I needed when I was a teenager "

Eedy James - Ambassador
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